. Téléscope > Language Planning (vol. 16, no. 3)

Language Planning (vol. 16, no. 3)

A sensitive issue in Quebec, language has always aroused strong feelings among French and English speakers alike. Against this backdrop, the online, French-language journal “Télescope” has dedicated its most recent issue to language planning, bringing a comparative perspective to such questions as: what attitude toward language should be adopted by governments? What laws should be enforced by governments in order to promote the integration of immigrants or improve the situation of native inhabitants? Should steps be taken to protect a threatened language or should society be allowed to make decisions about its future on its own? Specialists from Canada, the United States, Mexico, Puerto Rico, France, Switzerland and Australia weigh in on these and many other questions.

English Language Planning and Transethnification in the USA
Richard Ruiz

Effectiveness of Governmental Intervention in the Viability and Strength of Spanish in a U.S. Possession >>>
Luis Muñiz-Argüelles